Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Is a state of opposition, disagreement, incompability between two or more people, or groups of people, which is sometimes characterised by psychical violence. Military conflicts between states may constitute war.
In political terms "conflict" refers to an outgoing state of hostility between two or more groups of people.
There are a lot of types and models of conflicts: intrapersonal, interpersonal, emotional, group, organization, community, international, ideological, diplomatic, economic, military, religious- based and others conflicts.
Causes of conflicts: skills and abilities, personalities, perception, values and ethics, emotions, cultural differences.
Conflicts may stem from a variety of causes, and understanding them is the first step in dealing with it effectively.
1. there is a perceived breach of faith and trust between individual.
2. unresolved disagreement that has escalated to an emotional level.
3. Miscommunication leading to unclear expectations.
4. Personal clashes.
5. Differences in acquired values.
6. Underlying stress and tension.
7. Ego problem.
8. Combinations of the above.
And how we could work out conflicts? Firstly, to stop, before you lose control of your temper and make the conflict worse. Secondly, say, what you fell is the problem. Thirdly, listen to the other person's ideas and feelings. And lastly, think of solute or that will satisfy both of you.
And what can i say on my own? I like arguing, shoving that I have very strong and my opinion. I don't like agreeing with others.

Monday, April 23, 2007


The problem with guns is straightforward:they make it easy to kill on injure a person. The obvious dangers are, that: approximately 60% of all murder victims in the USA were killed with firearms,in robberies and assaults, victims are far more likely to die when the perpetrator is armed with a gun that when he or she has another weapon or is unarmed.
Obviously, there are different types of gun murder. There is 1st degree, premeditated murder, in which case the gun just made it easier, but the killer probably would have killed anyway.Acquaintance murders are done in the heat of passion, and criminal negligence.
And in lots of countries "self- defense" is commonly cited as a reason to own a gun. Guns are used for: suicides, self-defense, women's self- defense, collective self- defense.
And statistics shows that 40 %of all US have guns; 81% say that gun control will be an important issue in determining which Congressional candidate to vote for; 91%say that there should be at least minor restrictions on gun ownership; 57% say that there should be major restrictions or a ban.
And what can government to do with it? I think, that fundamental role of government is to secure the public safety and security. Fewer guns means fewer deaths from homicide, suicide and unintentional deaths.
In my opinion, Lithuanians atitude to this gun problem is quite rational. Because if you want to have a gun, you have to pass a lot of commissions and to do another things- you have to be healthy, not to have mental illnesses...
Having a gun is a real responsibility for yourself and others.