Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Is a state of opposition, disagreement, incompability between two or more people, or groups of people, which is sometimes characterised by psychical violence. Military conflicts between states may constitute war.
In political terms "conflict" refers to an outgoing state of hostility between two or more groups of people.
There are a lot of types and models of conflicts: intrapersonal, interpersonal, emotional, group, organization, community, international, ideological, diplomatic, economic, military, religious- based and others conflicts.
Causes of conflicts: skills and abilities, personalities, perception, values and ethics, emotions, cultural differences.
Conflicts may stem from a variety of causes, and understanding them is the first step in dealing with it effectively.
1. there is a perceived breach of faith and trust between individual.
2. unresolved disagreement that has escalated to an emotional level.
3. Miscommunication leading to unclear expectations.
4. Personal clashes.
5. Differences in acquired values.
6. Underlying stress and tension.
7. Ego problem.
8. Combinations of the above.
And how we could work out conflicts? Firstly, to stop, before you lose control of your temper and make the conflict worse. Secondly, say, what you fell is the problem. Thirdly, listen to the other person's ideas and feelings. And lastly, think of solute or that will satisfy both of you.
And what can i say on my own? I like arguing, shoving that I have very strong and my opinion. I don't like agreeing with others.

Monday, April 23, 2007


The problem with guns is straightforward:they make it easy to kill on injure a person. The obvious dangers are, that: approximately 60% of all murder victims in the USA were killed with firearms,in robberies and assaults, victims are far more likely to die when the perpetrator is armed with a gun that when he or she has another weapon or is unarmed.
Obviously, there are different types of gun murder. There is 1st degree, premeditated murder, in which case the gun just made it easier, but the killer probably would have killed anyway.Acquaintance murders are done in the heat of passion, and criminal negligence.
And in lots of countries "self- defense" is commonly cited as a reason to own a gun. Guns are used for: suicides, self-defense, women's self- defense, collective self- defense.
And statistics shows that 40 %of all US have guns; 81% say that gun control will be an important issue in determining which Congressional candidate to vote for; 91%say that there should be at least minor restrictions on gun ownership; 57% say that there should be major restrictions or a ban.
And what can government to do with it? I think, that fundamental role of government is to secure the public safety and security. Fewer guns means fewer deaths from homicide, suicide and unintentional deaths.
In my opinion, Lithuanians atitude to this gun problem is quite rational. Because if you want to have a gun, you have to pass a lot of commissions and to do another things- you have to be healthy, not to have mental illnesses...
Having a gun is a real responsibility for yourself and others.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Like consumer law, employment law is a very large topic in which the principles of tort and contract have been greatly added to by specific legislation. In the 19th century laws were passed to recognize Al also limit the rights of workers to strike, other legislation dealt with health and safety in the work place, and limits upon working hours and ages. Most richer countries now have legislation which guarantees a minimum wage for all workers, prevent employees from being dismissed without some reason, period of advance notice, or compensation, requires employers to give their employees a written statement of the main term of their employment contract. In the last twenty years, many countries have also passed laws to ensure that men and women are given equal opportunities to do the same work in the same conditions.
Employees have far more legal rights because they are thought to be in a weaker economic position than self- employed;employees are given at least a week's notice if employment is to be ended; and it gives employees the right to compensation if they are dismissed unfairly or made redundant; this same act also gives women the right to time off in order to have a baby and the right to return to work within a certain period after having the baby; men over 65 and women over 60 are not entitled to compensation for redundancy; companies employing fewer than 5 people do not have to re- employ a woman who leaves to have a baby.
The right to stike was one of the first employment rights to be recognized by law, yet the specific rules have varied from time to time and country.
To compare with japan- there are fewer employment laws in Japan than in many Western countries- few workers are given clear job descriptions or written contracts and it is unusual for an employee to take legal action against his employer.
Despite the current labor shortage, which has encouraged employers to ire women to do more responsible and better paid work than before, very few women enjoy equal employment opportunities.


The term "Internet fraud" means a type of fraud which uses any components of the Internet- chat rooms, e-mail, message boards, web sites. It is a crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another persons data in some way, that involves fraud, typically for economic gain.Unlike your fingerprints, which are unique to you and cannot be given to somebody else for their use, your personally data- social security number, bank account, credit card number can be used to personally profit too.
Many people do not realise how easily criminals can obtain your personal data, without having to break into your house- "shoulder surfing", listening to conversations.Dumpster diving- going through garbage or trash bin- looking for copies of checks, credit card, your telephone number or something else.In recent years the Internet has become an appealing place for criminals to obtain identifying data.
There are telemarketing frauds too- when you send money to person looking forward to receive commodity, but you don't know person, so you can become a victim.
And what should we do to avoid being a victim of identity theft? You have to remember word "scam", and to be stingy about giving your personal information to others. To say "no" when you receive a call from unknown person. Don't say any personal information in an open phone box. To check your financial information regularly. be careful about giving out valuable personal data online.
There is a department of Justice which prosecutes cases of identity thefts and frauds under a variety of federal statutes.
The term "Internet fraud" means a type of fraud which uses any components of the Internet- chat rooms, e-mail, message boards, web sites. It is a crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another persons data in some way, that involves fraud, typically for economic gain.Unlike your fingerprints, which are unique to you and cannot be given to somebody else for their use, your personally data- social security number, bank account, credit card number can be used to personally profit too.
Many people do not realise how easily criminals can obtain your personal data, without having to break into your house- "shoulder surfing", listening to conversations.Dumpster diving- going through garbage or trash bin- looking for copies of checks, credit card, your telephone number or something else.In recent years the Internet has become an appealing place for criminals to obtain identifying data.
There are telemarketing frauds too- when you send money to person looking forward to receive commodity, but you don't know person, so you can become a victim.
And what should we do to avoid being a victim of identity theft? You have to remember word "scam", and to be stingy about giving your personal information to others. To say "no" when you receive a call from unknown person. Don't say any personal information in an open phone box. To check your financial information regularly. be careful about giving out valuable personal data online.
There is a department of Justice which prosecutes cases of identity thefts and frauds under a variety of federal statutes.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Civil and public law

Comparing civil and public law we find a lot of differences. The main point is that civil law concerns disputes among citizens, and the public law- between citizens and the state, or one state and another. The main categories of English civil law are: contracts, torts, trusts, probate, family law. And of public law are: crimes, constitutional law, international law.
Criminal, public and civil procedures are different. In English criminal law defendant has to pay a fine or a punishment for his crime. And the standards of proof there are higher then in a civil court. The criminal actions are always started by the state. And the civil actions are usually started by individuals, the proof are lower there, a crime cannot be proven if there are doubts of guilty. The evidences are very necessary and court will weight all of them. In Anglo- American law, the party who brings a criminal action is called prosecution, and in civil action- the plaintiff.
There are many points of contact between criminal and civil law.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Lifelong learning strategy 2

There are a lot of people around the world. They have their own lifes thats why they have their own lifelong learning strategies.
We started our learning when we have born.
Firstly, we tried to find our mothers, fathers, to learn some movements. Secondly, we started to walk, then to speak, to find our individuality. But without help these first steps were impossible.
Of course, then follows other things, which are more and more difficulter then before- going to school, learning how to write, read and others things, which will be important in the future.
In my opinion, the most important thing is to think about the future, then learning will be easier, when you know, that these things are very important.
Secondly, to think about yourself and what you want.
Thirdly, to learn from mistakes and to look back.
I think, that we have to regret for something what we haven't done, not for something we have done.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Lifelong learning strategy

There are a lot of people around the world and they have their own lifelong learning strategies, because they live their own lifes.
We start learning at the time we are born.Learning how to walk, then how to speak, to be individual. Of course, our parents help us to do it.